Monday, December 21, 2009

Sailor Suits

French Sailor suit

Velvet sailor suit from Good Lad

I love sailor suits. I have many of them in many sizes and styles. One I got from France. Two are from Good Lad, and then there are just many others. I love sailor suits because they are just so classically little boy.
THe little square collar in the back, the tie in the front, anchor embossed buttons, white Gilligan hats, its just cute. I love to dress Oliver up like a little mini-Marine.
I'm sure there will be more posts on Sailor suits as time goes on, bu here are two examples.
When to wear a sailor suit: To a summer or spring birthday party, to a Christmas party, to the beach, to Disney Land, to Church, just out and about. Sailor suits are great any day! And they can be summery and light and made of cotton, or they can be warma nd wintery and made of velvet or corduroy. Its a suit for all seasons!

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